Find out what is newly added, changed, fixed, improved or updated in the latest AI Weather Bot versions.
Air Quality component supports 3 days forecasts (Air Quality component now supports 3 days forecast chart for Premium users and 1 day forecast chart for Pro users)
Changes in today's forecast charts (Today's forecast charts are now accessible only to PRO and PREMIUM users)
Portuguese Language Support (The app now supports Portuguese language)
Weather Notification preparation (Weather notifications are coming soon, opt-in to receive notifications!)
New App Icon for iMessage (Updated the App icon when using the available icons for iMessage)
Bug Fixes (In Add Components the local location name did not appear in some cases)
New App Icon (We have updated the App icon making the cloud more intuitive, the cloud represents the bot's mouth, the eye on the left represents the sun and the eye on the right represents the moon)
New Interface: Add Components (Adding components has never been easier. The interface has been completely redesigned. Select the location and all the components you want and you're done. Also, in each location you select, the components already present will be turned off.)
Bug Fixes (We've fixed minor bugs in some general behaviors)
Fixed bug when deleting locations (In some cases when a location with components was deleted the app could crash)
Functionality restore (We have restored a functionality where the app would no longer select the location when a new component was inserted)
iOS 18 Compatibility (The app is now compatible with iOS 18)
Bug Fixes (Fixed some bugs for Lifetime users)
Lifetime (All Premium features in one purchase)
Unlocked 1 day hourly and daily forecasts (By popular demand, we have unlocked today's hourly and daily forecast charts. We are thus committed again to supporting higher costs for registered users)
Bug fixes for Pro users (Fixed weather data display issues in the hourly and daily forecast components for Pro users)
Compass Component (More information about the Compass component is now available)
Bug Fixes (The Compass component is now only shown in the current location, while in the favorite locations the static information is displayed)
New Component: Compass (We have added a new component in the category of Instruments: Compass (Use the compass only in the location where you are at the moment, instead, in the favorite locations you can see other information of the compass)
Changes in today's forecast charts (Today's forecast charts are now accessible only to PRO and PREMIUM users)
Bug Fixes (Fixed some errors in the email user registration view)
Bug fixes (In Customizations -> Interface -> Locations the name of the categories and component names did not appear in the French and German languages)
Fixed weather data loading (When the weather station had no data for the Air Quality component, weather data was not loaded throughout the app)
New component: Air Quality (We have added a new component in the Instruments: Air Quality. Now you can check the air pollution in all your locations!)
New weather provider: Weather Api (We have added a new weather provider for Premium users)
Added German language support (The app now supports the German language)
Fixed device Barometer data reading error caused by iOS 17.4 (The device barometer could no longer be read if iOS version 17.4 was installed on the device)
Fixed bug (Fixed a bug regarding access for unregistered users)
The Sky component supports 10 days forecasts (Sky component now supports 10 days forecast chart for Premium users and 1 day for registered users)
New Pluviometer component skin: Tlaloc (Tlaloc is reborn! Aztec god of rain and fertility)
Details in Current Observations Complex and Simple (The Current Observations Complex and Simple category components now support the detailed interface of current weather data)
Fixed errors in Current Observations Complex (The Current Observations Complex category component presented wind data only in km/h)
Added weather conditions in the list of locations (The list of locations now present the current weather conditions)
French language support (Added French language support)
Pro subscription activated (The Pro subscription is now active)
Twilight Component 10 days (Twilight component now supports schedules for the next 10 days - Premium members)
New subscription: Pro (Among registered users and Premium users we welcome Pro users. Pro users will benefit from 4 additional features to registered users.)
News for unregistered users (Unregistered users can now enjoy all the benefits of registered users except for cross-device syncing and today's forecast)
New Home Screen Widget (Added new medium widget in Current Observations category)
Vortex bug fix (The Vortex skin had a bug in the m/s unit of measurement and would not display once chosen)
Fixed several minor bugs (Several components and various views had small bugs)
New skin: Vortex (Welcome Vortex! New skin for the Anemometer component. Vortex is the evolution of Robinson's anemometer.)
Updates in the iMessage app (New images in the Weather Bot app for iMessage, all skins are now available!)
Improvements in the Current Maps component (The Current Maps component is now more fluid in responding and navigating between locations)
Improvements in Sun component (Graphic improvements in the 10 days of the Sun component)
New App icon (The app icon has been updated)
10 days forecast for the Visibility component (Visibility component now supports 10 days forecast chart for Premium users and 1 day for registered users)
AI Weather Bot social channels available (The App's social channels are available in Settings -> About. Follow us on your favorite channels to stay up to date with the latest news and keep in touch with the AI Weather Bot community)
Learn more about the Visibility component (You can now tap the Visibility component to view more information)
Learn more about the Photography component (You can now tap the Photography component to view more information)
Minor bug fixes
New component: Photography (Added new component in the Instruments category: Photography)
Added chance of rain (The Hourly Forecast component now supports the rain probability)
Fixes in twilight (Minor fixes in the Twilight component algorithm)
New component: Visibility (Added new component in the Instruments category: Visibility)
Weather data for unregistered users every 30 minutes (Added automatic weather data update for unregistered users every 30 minutes)
Maps in all locations (Now you can add the Current Maps component in all locations, PREMIUM users only)
Barometer of the device (The Barometer component now supports reading the real-time value of the pressure sensor of the device you are using)
Re-enabled Today's forecast graph (By popular demand we have enabled today's forecast graphs only for registered users)
Graphic optimizations (We have improved and optimized the functioning of various graphics components)
Our community is growing (Thanks to you too, our community has exceeded 2K registered users!)
No Ads (We're one of the few weather apps that doesn't bother users with ads, help us give a review on the App Store when and if you can!)
Fixed bug in Twilight (The Twilight component could crash the app if some events didn't happen in some areas of the world)
Our community grows (Thanks to you too, our community has exceeded 1.5K registered users!)
Today in Twilight Component (Added all morning and evening event times in the Twilight component)
Premium users (From today only Premium users can take advantage of all the 10-day weather forecast graphs)
Stickers (Now you can send stickers with the Messages app)
Graphical improvements (The location name in the Weather tab is no longer disturbed by the 2 buttons)
10 Days Sun Instrument (The Sun Instrument now supports sunrise and sunset information for the next 10 days)
Fixed Moon Instrument algorithm (The Moon Instrument was showing the phase of the moon for the next 10 days incorrectly)
Time format in Hourly Forecast (Hourly Forecast component now supports 12h and 24h time format)
Globe map on the login screen (The user login screen now displays the Globe map)
New component: Weather maps - Current (Finally comes the component of weather maps for Premium users)
5 levels of maps available (Choose weather map layers from Clouds, Temperature, Precipitation, Pressure, Wind)
Spanish language support
(We have added support to the Spanish language)
Improved Daily Forecast
(The Daily Forecast component now has better graphics)
Daily Forecast 10 days
(The Daily Forecast component now supports 10 days of forecasts for Premium users)
Graphical improvements
(Now all Instruments and Sensors have cleaner border graphics when manually sorted)
Moon component for everyone
(The Moon component is now available for all registered users)
Moon phases 10 days
(The moon phases for the next 10 days are now available to all Premium users)
Learn more about the Moon component
(You can now tap the Moon component to view more information)
Fixed some bugs
(The Sun and Moon component could respond incorrectly if the user did not use any components in the current location)
Forecast 10 days
(We have finally extended the weather forecast from 3 to 10 days for Premium users)
Lock Screen Widget
(Added two Lock Screen Widgets to iOS for Premium users)
Forecast graph in Barometer
(Barometer now supports pressure forecast graph, 1 day for registered users and 3 days for Premium users)
Edit user data
(You can now change your first and last name from Settings -> Account)
Updates (Now the updates page is visible directly from Settings)
(It is now possible to view the Roadmap of the App from Settings. Check the page from time to time to find out the next scheduled updates)
Anemometer available to everyone
(The Anemometer component is now available for all users)
Forecast graph in Anemometer
(Anemometer now supports wind forecast graph, 1 day for registered users and 3 days for Premium users)
Added units of measurement in Anemometer
(Anemometer now supports the following 5 measurement units: km/h, MPH, m/s, Knots, Beaufort)
Wind direction in Anemometer
(The wind direction of the Anemometer now no longer indicates the origin of the wind but its opposite, it indicates the direction of wind movement)
Graphical improvement in Anemometer
(The Anemometer graphics are now cleaner and more intuitive)
Learn more about Sunrise component
(You can now tap the Sunrise component to view more information)
Learn more about Sunset component
(You can now tap the Sunset component to view more information)
Fixed incorrect data in some graphs (The Thermometer and Pluviometer components had data of different units than the user's choice in their graphs)
Graphs on the Pluviometer
(The Pluviometer component now supports hourly weather forecast via graphs, 1 day for registered users and 3 days for Premium users)
New Skin Damnum
(We introduce Damnum, UV meter component skin. Damnum estimates the skin damage caused by UV radiation)
Correct use of Skin Vinci
(When the Vinci Skin was used the hourly forecasts disappeared)
Unregistered users
(Unregistered users can now view some components only in the current location. We remind you that only registered users can have access to all the free features.)
Charts on Thermometer
(The Thermometer component now supports hourly weather forecasts via charts)
Fixed some behaviors
(Fixed some behaviors where under certain conditions the app did not respond correctly)
Charts on UV meter
(The UV meter component now supports hourly weather forecasts via charts)
Fixed some bugs
Weather forecast
(We finally introduce the weather forecast through charts)
(The Hygrometer component now supports weather forecasts via charts)
Improvements in the forecast algorithm
(Weather forecast has gotten a significant improvement in supported components)
Fixed some bugs
Vinci, new Skin
(Welcome to Vinci, new Skin for the Hygrometer component)
Hygrometer improvement
(Hygrometer now has an even cleaner design)
Helios, new Skin
(Let's welcome Helios, new Skin for the Sun component)
(Added Store section, where it will be possible to customize your components)
iOS 16 support
(AI Weather Bot now fully supports iOS 16)
Learn more about the Sun component
(The Sun component now indicates sunrise, sunset, zenith, nadir, and total daylight)
Learn more about Twilight component
(You can now tap the Twilight component to view more information)
New component: Twilight
(Welcome to the new Twilight component, observe your locations from sunset start to night and night end to sunrise end.)
Correction of Clock component algorithm
(In time zones with non-integer time e.g. UTC / GMT +10:30 hours, the Clock component indicated 30 minutes late.)
Sun, Sunrise and Sunset components support hour units
(Now components Sun, Sunrise, Sunset support hour units 12h and 24h.)
Pluviometer graphic optimizations
(Graphic optimizations in the Pluviometer component.)
The current time in Sun component
(The current time in the Sun component now always stays up to date.)
Learn more about Sun components
(You can now tap the Sun components to view more information.)
Improvements in the Customizations view
The components and weather data are now loaded immediately after no internet connection
(The components and weather data are now loaded immediately after the internet returns to the device again if the device previously had no connection.)
Find out more about the Sky component
(You can now tap the Sky component to view more informations)
Visual optimization of Fahrenheit and Kelvin in components
(Fahrenheit and Kelvin units in dedicated components now have no digits after the decimal point to improve visibility of the value)
Added Precipitation units
(Components: Current Observations Complex, Pluviometer and Rain now support Millimeters (mm), Centimeters (cm) and Inches (in) format)
Find out more about the Pluviometer and Rain components
(You can now tap the Pluviometer and Rain components to view more informations)
Time units added
(The component: Clock now support 24 hours and 12 hours format)
Compatibility with iOS 16
(The App is now compatible with iOS 16)
Learn more about the components of Anemometer "Premium only" and Wind
(You can now tap the Anemometer "Premium users only" and Wind components to view more information)
Fixed instability issues
(Solved problems of instability at User Login and Logout)
Added "Widget" section in settings
(Now you can view the widgets available directly from the App. There is also help on how to add or edit widgets.)
Additional information on the components of Thermometer and Temperature
(Now you can tap on the Thermometer and Temperature components to see additional information)
Added new component "Clock" in the Time category
(Now you can add the Clock component in all locations, the clock will automatically indicate the local time of the selected location.)
Added weather data sources
(Sources section has been added in Settings)
Current location
(The current location now responds correctly to its change)
Additional information on the components of Barometer, Pressure, Uv, Humidity
(Now you can tap on the Barometer, Pressure, Uv and Humidity components to see additional information)
Stability improvements
(General optimizations in various areas of the app)
Pressure units added
(The components: Barometer, Pressure and Current Observation now support 6 different units for pressure)
Barometer design
(The barometer design have been improved)
Stability improvements
(General optimizations in various areas of the app)
Bug fixes
(Fixed an issue when the app could crash when logging out)
Control improvements in location selection
(The app now responds appropriately when locations without components are selected)
iOS 16 compatibility
(the app is now compatible with iOS 16)
Added new component: Pluviometer
(Displays the current amount of rainfall)
Hygrometer additional information
(Now you can tap on the Hygrometer component to see additional information)
App updates
(Help -> updates is now integrated in Support view)
Partial temperature display in Daily Forecast
(Fixed an issue that caused partial temperature display in the Fahrenheit unit and Celsius in the Daily Forecast component)
Now you can tap on the UV meter component to see additional information
Fixed an issue that caused the current location name to be displayed incorrectly in Customizations -> Interface
Added new Widget: Forecasts (small)
Fixed an issue causing incorrect location data in widgets
Added Customer Support
Added "App Icon" in Settings (now you can change the app icon)
Added "Updates" in Settings -> About -> Help (here you can view all app updates)
Control over a single component in Customizations -> Interface -> Select Location -> Select Component Type -> Component (Now you can delete and order every single component)
Fixed a geolocation problem on the current location (The geolocation of the current location was blocked on its first registration. Weather services now track your device's geolocation change to your current location.)
Loading component weather data (Now you can see the wait for component weather data to load)
New category added: Forecasts
New component: "Hourly" in the Forecasts category (now you can view the hourly forecasts for the next 24 hours)
New component "Daily" in the Forecasts category (now you can see the forecasts in the next 3 days)
Added "What's new"
Captured events such as: No internet connection
Server down for maintenance
Fixed bug in some time slots of the Hourly Forecast component
Now you can delete your account from Settings -> Accounts -> Delete account